Mango Pulp

SKU #69407
Frozen mango pulp. Not from Concentrate.
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Quick Overview

Frozen mango pulp. Not from Concentrate.
Case Size 16''x 7''x 10.3''
Pack Net Weight 1.00
Case Gross Weight 64fl.oz.
Cases Per Pallet 84 (14/6)
Case Cube 0.67ft3


Brix:  40- 42


Aspect: uniform, free of foreign material. Phase separation allowed. Presence of minor fragments and particles characteristics of the fruit.

Smell: Characteristic of the fresh and ripe fruit.

Color: Characteristic of the ripe fruit.

Taste: Characteristic of the ripe fruit. No off flavor.

Texture: Fluid and homogeneous.


Mango pulp, sugar, citric acid (acidulant), ascorbic acid (antioxydant).
