Grilled Tuna Tulip

Grilled Tuna Tulip

6 oz X-Fine Green Beans

6 oz Yellow Wax Beans X-Fine

3 feuilles de Brick

0.6 oz Echire Unsalted Butter Cup

1.6 oz Shallots

10.2 oz Fresh Hahi Tuna

3 Scallions

1 Tomato

0.6 oz Clarified Butter

Salt & Pepper

  • 1. Brush each feuille de brick dough with clarified butter and mold them into a tulip shape in aluminum foil.
  • 2. Bake in oven until you get a nice gold color.
  • 3. Season and grill the tuna.
  • 4. Sauté the haricots verts and the yellow wax beans in the butter with shallots and green scallion minced.
  • 5. Fill up the tulip with the beans garnish and top it with grilled tuna.
  • 6. Decorate with tomatoes julienne and a bouquet of white scallion.
  • 7. Tip: You can also serve the vegetables cold like a Niçoise salad with black olives.
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